
by 傳述國際有限公司



This program is One item of public welfare activities APP program for volunteers involved in the use.

“愛舉手”是民間公益活動,讓全臺老人戴上二維碼手環,手環是一個軟膠的手腕帶,上面印有QR Code, 可手機掃描。出門戴上,如果有緊急意外,路人可手機掃描手環,以聯繫家人或指定人士。特需老人(指的是:無依、有慢性病史、缺乏行動能力、社會這應力不足的高齡居民)如果配戴本手環,社工組織人員可以更有效訪視服務,進行關懷工作,保證服務品質。發起這個活動的是國立臺北大學的張菁芬副教授與她的學生團隊,這是全球首例此類的活動。這裡是臺灣,我們【愛舉手】!"Love their hands" is the non-profit activities, so that Taiwans elderly to wear a two-dimensional code bracelet, hand ring is a soft wrist band emblazoned with QR Code, the phone can be scanned.Out put, if there is an emergency accident, passers-by can scan bracelet phone to contact family members or designated person.Special needs for the elderly (means: no one to depend, has history of chronic diseases, lack of capacity to act, society which stresses lack of senior citizens) If you wear this bracelet, social organizations can more effectively visit services performed care work to ensure quality of service .The event was initiated by Zhang Jingfen associate professor of National Taipei University and her team of students, which is the worlds first such event. Here in Taiwan, we love [hands]!bug fixed.